Math Skill: Counting Math Pick-Up

Try this activity with a partner to review number concepts in a fun way. Materials: Popsicle Sticks/White Stir Sticks/Small Straws/Thin craft Sticks, marker Select the number of sticks that you wish to use in the game. On each stick, write a number. The numbers should be in a sequence. For example, on stick one, ”Continue reading “Math Skill: Counting Math Pick-Up”

Math Skill: Counting Snack on these Math Bites…

August 16, 2021 3 Tasty ways to Practise Counting Activity 1: Materials: Several types of fruits or vegetables that could be skewered in a kebab. For example: blueberries, small watermelon pieces, grapes, raspberries, small strawberry, pineapple pieces, tomatoes, onion, peppers, cucumber, zucchini etc. (There needs to be at least 12 of each type of fruitContinue reading “Math Skill: Counting Snack on these Math Bites…”

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